Wednesday, April 21, 2010


No. 179

No. 180

Fm plate Romania yang tersangat ler cantiknye, sumber dari SSS gak, tapi sayangnye tak sampai 2 ari dapat anak bujang Qies tak sengaja terjatuhkannye...huhuhu..memang ler tak bersepai tapi sopek ler belah kanan tu, cacat dah plate yang comey nie. Sekarang plate ni duduk landing dalam kotak kasut, kalo le tau awal2 nak jatuh memang confirm Qies tak lekatkan dia kat dinding tu, tapi nak wat camne benda dah jadi nak marah pun bukan leh plate tu jadi molek balik...

Fm no. 180 satu lagi fm bentuk peta negara Romania menambahkan lagi koleksi peta negara yang sedia ada, suka sangat2.

Meh rujuk ngan Tuk Wi pasal Romania ni :

"Romania is a country located in Southeastern and Central Europe, North of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea.[3] Almost all of the Danube Delta is located within its territory. Romania shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the northeast, and Bulgaria to the south."



  1. uiii. padahal da marah siap da cubit2 telinga anak tu. wakkwkakka

  2. tak baik tau am...mana ada cubit2..marah pun tak cuma monyok ajer tak de mood nak marah huhuhu


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