Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vienna, Austria

No. 266

No 267

Antara Fm Vienna, Austria yang sempat Qies rembat masa Road Trips bulan June aritu. Sebenarnye banyak lagi tapi Qies tepek 2 ketul aje laa dulu ye, sebab ada lagi fm yang terdahulu daripada ni tak dimasukkan kedalam entry. Jadinye kita selang-selikan laa antara yang lama dan yang baru hehehe...


No. 265
Places/Country : Montreux, Switzerland
Source : Direct Buying_May 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


No. 264

FM Sicilia, Italy diterima hasil tukar suka sama suka dengan member difacebook, menambahkan lagi koleksi dari negara Italy.

Yuk kita risik2 ngan Tuk Wi pasal Sicilia nie :

Sicily Flag

"Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, comprising an autonomous region of Italy. Minor islands around it, such as the Aeolian Islands, are part of Sicily. Its official name is Regione Autonoma Siciliana (English:Sicilian Autonomous Region). Throughout much of its history, Sicily has been considered a crucial strategic location due in large part to its importance for Mediterranean trade routes. The area was highly regarded as part of Magna Graecia, with Cicero describing Siracusa as the greatest and most beautiful city of all Ancient Greece. Archimedes, one of the ancient world's greatest scientist/mathematicians, was a native Sicilian, born in the city of Siracusae (modern Siracusa).

The island was once a nation in its own right, and as the Kingdom of Sicily ruled from Palermo over southern Italy, Sicily, and Malta. It later became a part of the Two Sicilies under the Bourbons, a kingdom governed from Naples that comprised both the island itself and most of southern Italy. The Italian unification of 1860 led to the dissolution of this kingdom, and Sicily became an autonomous part of theKingdom of Italy. Sicily is today an autonomous region of Italy. Of all the regions of Italy, Sicily covers the largest land area at 25,708 square kilometres (9,926 sq mi) and currently has just over five million inhabitants.

Sicily, like all regions of Italy when viewed separately, has its own rich and unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, music,literature, cuisine, architecture and language, having given birth to some of the greatest and most influential people in history. The Sicilian economy is largely based on agriculture (mainly orange and lemon orchards); this same rural countryside has attracted significanttourism in the modern age as its natural beauty is highly regarded. Sicily also holds importance for archeological and ancient sites such as the Necropolis of Pantalica and the Valley of the Temples."


Monday, August 23, 2010

FM Venizia & Milano For Sale!!!!

****SOLD OUT****


Payment can be made thru :

Bank : Maybank Berhad
A/c No : 156094005555
Email :
Name : Norlelawati Ahmad

*postage 1pc magnet Rm8, 2 magnets rm10 - rm12 (depends on the weight + height)
please check with me on the postage cost for 2 magnets and above

Sunday, August 22, 2010

HRC Venice

No. 263

Cantikkan fm HRC Venice ni, last week merempit ke Venice sempat laa rembat apa yang patut kat HRC tu selain fm hehehe, Cik abe rembat push pin, Qies lak rembat selai tshirt, laa ni tersampuk ngan hrc couture tshirt laa pulak...tapi tak pe rega tshirt dia cuma extra 3-4 euro aje ngan rega tourist tshirt aje jadinye baik ler rembat hrc tshirt ye dak...hehe alasan2..

Thursday, August 19, 2010


No. 259

No. 260

No. 261

No. 262

Road Trips bulan Jun 2010 dapat laa membeli fm Liechtenstein ni, kalo tidak mimpi ler nak dapat fm dari sini, mmg susah gak nak dapat fm ni sebab jarang2 org tau ada negara sekecil ni tapi tak sekecil Vatican City dan Monaco laa besar sikit aje hehehe..

Meh kita cari Tuk Wi tuk citer penuh pasal Liechtenstein nie :

Schloss Vaduz
*picture credit to wikipedia

"Liechtenstein [lɪçtənʃtaɪ̯n], officially Principality of Liechtensteinis a landlocked country in central Europe and aconstitutional monarchy to democratic and parliamentary basis. The sovereignty is both the people and the princes. TheAlpine country Liechtenstein is bordered to the west of Switzerland and to the east of Austria and is divided into eleven municipalities. capital and royal seat is Vaduz, the largest city is Schaan.

Liechtenstein is the smallest of the German-speaking states. In winter is Liechtenstein, especially the mountain village of Malbun (partial town of Triesenberg), as a winter sports destination. The highly cultured north (lowlands) and the less cultivated south (Oberland) characterize the landscape of the Principality. The country has a strong financial sector and is due to low taxes as a tax haven known. With 169'000 Swiss francs (about € 110'500) per person employed (2005), the Liechtenstein, the highest GDP per capita worldwide, the country is free from debt.[4] The Prince monarchy is a member of the United Nations and of the European Economic Area."

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